A mental health crisis?
“Recently, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke on the Productivity Commission’s report on mental health. Many findings were deeply...
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Obstacles are complexities and as such represent a window of opportunity
Complexities occur when one loses the perspective of what we want, really desire to achieve. At that stage clarity...
Put the oxygen mask on yourself first before assisting the person next to you
The famous line when seated in a plane during take-off and landing. In the medical world one is quickly...
Everyone and everything matter
Listening to scientific medical data being presented gives time to wonder how to put it all together. It appears...
Learning 6.0
Learning is an ongoing process of communication in the widest sense of the word, it is what mankind does...
The foregone conclusion
When life manifests the various challenges in life, it can sometimes become a little onerous as to managing focus...
Psychosomatic aspects of disease management.
2020 sees the world becoming more and more acquainted with mental health issues being both the cause and /...
In this day and age we want to ensure that, if we embark upon the pathway of creating a...
The Forgetting Curve an important consideration
The assumption that if you learn something it is retained and can be recalled is simply false. This has...
Controlled chaos
With our current digital Information highway, overload can be a challenge at the best of times. Credibility is often a...
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