Education involves communication- communication is part of marketing – education is part of marketing.

Education involves communication- communication is part of marketing – education is part of marketing.

For an organization to make traction within the community and associated marketplace, they would do well to consider education as an important aspect of engaging with potential clients and collaborators.

Some of the current educational processes often involves the delivery of an informed presentation which invites comments and questions ultimately resulting in facilitated discussion and conclusion.

Engaged learning offers in depth understanding of potential complexities and high knowledge retention.

All in all, one could say this is similar to consultative selling. If and when conducted properly this could constitute a high value tool in any organizations marketing communication strategy.

Since most organizations seek to offer a solution to their prospects perceived problem, it makes sense to define the problem in a clear and concise manner, which is not always easy.

In order to gain a better understanding of the problem it would be good to take an analytic view as to how it came into existence, what are the main contributors and accelerators and what drives it the very moment.

In the field of Continuous Medical Education (CME), there are many drivers such as established disciplines requiring deeper insights, a new technology, a new therapy or another angle in the management of a disease.

It shows the importance of the methodology and assessment of education in Health care as a driver for quality healthcare.