Enhance your learning with the LAPARO Analytic – Illustrating the value of superior feedback

Enhance your learning with the LAPARO Analytic – Illustrating the value of superior feedback

To really demonstrate how metrics add value to laparoscopic skill training, this post will be exploring the LAPARO produced Analytic trainer – boasting its status as the world’s only laparoscopy simulator with an integrated advanced training analysis.

Image Source: https://laparosimulators.com/

Seemingly a box-trainer and mentor in one, The LAPARO Analytic uses graphs with added ‘heat zones’ to illustrate any discordance between student performance and correct technique throughout training, affording students the earliest possible chance to adjust accordingly.

Multiple sensors track and analyse instrument visibility, activity, and smoothness in this manner, feeding into an in-depth scoring system that makes tangible meaning out of collected data, and tracks the learners individualised learning curve.

The advantage of the Analytic model lies in the dual simplicity of delivering core skill modules required for the safe practice laparoscopic surgery, while providing superior feedback – both in real-time while training, and by way of a follow-up report and overall score upon completion. In addition to enhancing the overall learning experience, students are able to accurately track their progress and level of proficiency, as well as identifying where improvement is needed. With reliable assessment and actionable critiques, the learner may autonomously progress to higher levels of proficiency without being overly dependent on the attentive presence and willingness of real-life supervisors.

Training with the Analytic has a 6-step process, from logging into a personalised account, reviewing past training performances to note points for improvement via the Timeline Analysis feature, before completing the desired module and receiving an overall score and analysis. Tutorials are available for all modules, and video-records of previous attempts are stored on the learners account for easy review and discussion.

For added engagement, the Analytic can further be configured into a network with up to 20 others, making group training a possibility. A mentoring station is able to monitor participating learners simultaneously, or screen-share with trainees to demonstrate expert technique as they follow along.

Overall, basic skill development is enhanced by the integration of not only metrics, but the performance analysis feature that allows students to train with different focus targets based on their individualised learning pathway. Surgical education is delivered with better efficacy and efficiency, whilst still ensuring the necessary parameters are met for students to safely progress to advanced training. The freedom to train autonomously and repeat modules as often as needed, with reliable guidance of where and how to improve results in ultimately faster learning curves to the benefit of students, mentors, patients and the teaching institution as a whole.

There is a growing sense of urgency within medical communities to establish better regulation in laparoscopic surgical training, and to standardise learning pathways and outcomes. Therefore, the widescale introduction of simulation technology that can reliably assess student performance and objectively judge whether or not required milestones of proficiency have been reached, could potentially overhaul the framework of surgical education. If you would like further info on how the Analytic can improve your learning curve, please visit: https://laparosimulators.com/analytic/.



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