Whilst the world is coming to grips with the Covid19, mental health is yet another area where its impact is felt.
Never mind the economy, the media and what is going around in the community, the pressure is on each of us to remain focused and motivated on whatever we value in our lives.
Now is the time to support one and other to get to the other end of the pandemic.
Mental skills rather than just remedying mental health, is an area where individuals and groups can make a difference.
Help yourself and the world, so the world helps you. This blog is certainly not the only one covering this important aspect we are presented with in human evolution.
There is a plethora of information, advice and guidelines available online, either through recognized information sources or individual efforts.
We know about being mindful, actually applying it remains a challenge for many of us when everything is happening around us.
The ESC Group is engaging professionals for advice and guidance. Stay tuned for our mental skills unit appearing on the MediSurg e-Portal.
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