The assumption that if you learn something it is retained and can be recalled is simply false. This has been proven many times. Forgetting is a natural, physiological occurrence and must be factored into the teaching and learning process.
This phenomenon was documented as early as 1885 when German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus published his findings about learning.
The forgetting curve describes the dramatic drop off in knowledge retention over time. Studies show that in as little as 30 days, 79% of knowledge is forgotten. It is simply a matter of how the human brain works.
The Spacing Effect Interval reinforcement is a proven way to combat the forgetting curve. The spacing effect indicates that you can significantly increase knowledge retention if you present information and reinforce it over spaced intervals of time.
There is a proven neurophysiological basis for the spacing effect. Learning over time enhances memory and the survival of new neurons. It increases the efficiency of the uptake of information and encodes the information so that it is preferentially retained.
Our team at ESC has facilitated many learning processes in the medical and other sectors and has identified methodologies in response to need of application of proven science such as this.
Stay tuned for more information on the spacing effect in learning.
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